* 입학년도에 따른 전공교육과정 이수구분이 다르니, 꼭 오아시스 자기학점관리 교과과정을 확인하세요.
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2018 ~ 2022년도 입학자 기준
Grade | Semester | Classfication | Subject | credit | lecture | experiment |
2 | 1st | 전필 R |
Major Career Design 1 (전공진로설계1) Organic Chemistry 1 (유기화학 1) Programming based Circuit Theory 1 (프로그램 기반 회로이론 1) |
0.5 3 3 |
0 3 3 |
0 |
전선 E |
Differnetial Equation (미분방정식) Electromagnetics for Biology (바이오전자기학) Engineering Science C Programming (이공 C 프로그래밍) Discrete Structure (이산구조) |
3 | 3 | 0 | ||
2nd | 전필 R |
Major Career Design 2 (전공진로설계 2) Python Programming and Application (Python 프로그래밍 및 응용) Data Structure (데이터구조) |
0.5 3 |
0 3 |
0 | |
전선 E |
Bioelectrochemistry (바이오전기화학) Linear Algebra (선형대수학) Organic Chemistry 2 (유기화학 2) Programming based circuit Theory 2 (프로그램 기반 회로이론 2) |
3 | 3 | 0 | ||
3 | 1st | 전필 R |
Major Career Design 3 (전공진로설계 3) Python Based Basic Machine Learning (Python기반 기초기계학습) Instruction to Algorism (알고리즘개론) |
0.5 3 |
0 3 |
0 |
전선 E |
Polymer Scinece & Technique (고분자과학) Digital Engineering 1 (디지털공학 1) Energy storage engineer for bioenergy 1 (바이오에너지저장공학 1) Probability & Statistics (확률 및 통계) |
3 | 3 | 0 | ||
2nd | 전필 R |
Major Career Design 4 (전공진로설계 4) |
0.5 | 0 | 0 | |
전선 E |
Digital Engineering 2 (디지털공학 2) Physical Chemistry (물리화학) Fundamental of Bio-informatics (바이오인포메틱스) Engineering of Semiconductor (반도체공학) Energy storage engineer for bioenergy 2 (바이오에너지저장공학 2) Creative Engineering Design 1 (창의공학설계 1) |
3 | 3 | 0 | ||
4 | 1st | 전필 R |
Major Career Design 5 (전공진로설계 5) |
0.5 | 0 | 0 |
전선 E |
Mechatronics (메카트로닉스) Display Engineering (디스플레이공학) Millimeter wave circuit design for biology (바이오밀리미터파회로설계) Artificial Intelligence (인공지능) Creative Engineering Design 2 (창의공학설계 2) |
3 | 3 | 0 | ||
2nd | 전필 R |
Major Career Design 6 (전공진로설계 6) |
0.5 | 0 | 0 | |
전선 E |
Flexible and Printable Eletronics (유연인쇄전자공학) Device for Energy Conversion (에너지광전소자) Design Optimization Project for Energy System (에너지시스템최적설계프로젝트) Robotics (로봇공학) Biofuel cells (바이오수소연료전지) |
3 | 3 | 0 |