한국인 학생 기준
- 80% academic score + 20% official foreign language score + other additional points
* Additional points for participation in undergraduate events (1 point per event, maximum 5 points)
* Certified foreign language scores are required for students in the first semester (third semester) of their second year (students must submit transcripts within the validity period)
* Completion of violence prevention education: (excluding the first semester of freshmen) A prerequisite for selection for on-campus tuition reduction scholarship students in all grades
- 학업 성적 80% + 공인 외국어성적 20% + 기타 가산점
* 학부행사 참여 가산점(1회당 1점, 최대 5점 부여)
* 공인외국어성적은 2학년 1학기(3학기)인 학생들부터 필수 반영(유효기간 이내 성적표 제출)
* 폭력예방교육 이수 : (신입생 첫학기 제외) 전학년 교내 학비 감면 장학생 선발 필수조건
외국인 유학생 기준
- 100% academic score
* In accordance with the International School of Science and Engineering scholarship calculation standards and payment guidelines for foreign undergraduate students
* Excluding those scheduled to graduate or complete completion, those scheduled to take a leave of absence or drop out, those scheduled to be expelled, and those who have exceeded the number of years of study (4 years, 8 semeters).
* Scholarship recipients: Recent semester GPA of 2.75 or higher, recently completed credits of 15 or more (However, fourth year students must have completed at least 9 credits in their major)
- 학업성적 100%
* 국제이공학부 외국인 학부 재학생 장학금 산정기준 및 지급지침에 따름
* 졸업, 수료 예정자, 휴학 및 자퇴 예정자, 제적처리예정자, 수업연한 초과자 제외
* 장학금 지급 대상 : 최근 학기 성적 2.75 이상, 최근 이수학점 15학점 이상(단, 4학년은 전공 9학점이상 이수자)
공인외국어성적 기준